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  • Film
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  • Beginner
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  • PG13

Project Details

  • Raw Footage: 15 Scenes, 162 minutes, 7GB
  • Completed Cut: 15 Minutes
  • Additional Elements: Script
  • Features: Color correction,

Tech Specs

  • Compression: 1080p HD, h.264
  • Media Delivery: Instant Download
  • Compatibility: All editing software
  • Satisfaction: 100% Guaranteed

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About the Movie

O.T.E includes high-resolution footage that can be used to practice color correction. Learn more about color packs here.


O.T.E. (OF THE EARTH) is set in a post-apocalyptic world where every adult has been killed by an epidemic — leaving only children to inherit the Earth. But when every day is a desperate fight for survival, can childlike innocence even exist?

Director's Note

No single scene in O.T.E. is particularly difficult to edit, but that doesn't mean editing the film is simple. Beginners will practice re-ordering scenes, while more experienced editors can practice intermediate techniques such as jump cuts and split screens. Since tutorials featuring O.T.E. are available in the EditStock blog, this project is and excellent choice for schools.

Read Script

Preview Footage

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    • Single User Just for you.
    • Single User + Feedback A professional editor will review your work when you’re done. Learn more
    • Color Pack Includes an XML of the final cut, uncolor corrected, plus 4K ProRes clips.
      Might require shipping. Learn more.
    • Multi User Educational For schools and training centers. This license covers all students on a single campus. Learn more
    • Multi User + ProRes Higher resolution material, shipped to you on a hard drive.
      Contact us for special arrangements like original camera footage.
    • Multi User ProIncludes a DaVinci Resolve project file with a completed timeline for color correction and audio mixing.
      Shipped on a hard drive with camera and audio production source material.

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