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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use EditStock footage on my demo reel?

Yes. In fact, we recommend it.

Can I list myself as the Editor of this film on my resume?

On a resume yes, but not on official sites like IMDB.

Editors typically sign contracts which require they be credited with "Edited By." No EditStock agreement supersedes the agreements the film has made with its talent. That said, our contributors all sign a contract that specifically states that people are allowed to show their work on a demo reel.

I'm a teacher, can I allow my students to take EditStock footage out of the classroom?

Yes. Your students may use our Educational License footage in and out of the classroom.  However, students must be enrolled, tuition paying students. We do not allow EditStock footage to be used in promotional material for schools, for example as a free exercise for prospective students. 

Cut I submit the same cut for feedback as many times as I want to?

Yes. EditStock firmly believes that the feedback loop is the key to learning how to edit.

Do you buy films?

Yes. We pride ourselves on paying our filmmakers for their work. Every sale on EditStock supports the filmmaker who's footage is being purchased. Learn more about the kind of footage we are looking for and how much you can earn.