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LA Post Fest

Team EditStock Wins Best Editing and Best Film

We did it! Team EditStock won the first annual LA Post Fest competition. Specifically we won Best Editing and Best Film. I couldn't have asked for two better awards.

EditStock's team members all joined after hearing an announcement in our newsletter (sign up on our landing page) asking for volunteers. EditStock paid the entry fee, and if we won, split up the prizes. 

Team EditStock - Best Film and Best Editing

See the other winning entries for best VFX, best sound, and more.

Team EditStock Members

To our great pleasure and surprise, ten people from five countries joined the team!


We picked for prizes by drawing straws - and yes, I mailed the grand prize to India!

Prize to India

The prize that traveled around the world. 

Certificate of Recognition


I even got to hold up this fancy glass award and give a speech at the festival.

Misha Tenenbaum LAPF

A picture of me with some of the other contest winners. I'm still waiting on the team EditStock photo. I'll update this as soon as I get it. 

Other Winners

From right left to right - Daniel Cota (best VFX), Wendy and Woody Woodall (creators of LAPF) and Aaron Phares (best sound). 

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