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Use on your demo reel

Can I use EditStock footage on my demo reel? Yes - in fact, you should!

What about the filmmakers?

All of EditStock's filmmakers grant you a fair use license to use their footage on your demo reel when you purchase their project from EditStock. This is not only something they are proud to do, but it's in our contract. As the CEO of EditStock for me personally this is one of the proudest contributions that my business makes for editors at all stages of their career's. I was a student once and I needed this service. That is also that case for 99% of the filmmakers from whom this footage comes. 

Is feedback from EditStock cheating?

What about asking EditStock for feedback. Is that cheating? Again, no - and again, you should. Everyone should ask their peers to evaluate their work, and everyone should learn from the feedback of others. Professional editors do this daily. Editors do not work in a vacuum. They get feedback from directors, producers, other editors, actors, heck the whole world wants to give them feedback. Why not ask EditStock for feedback? We'll even review your demo reel (which does not have to contain our footage).  

What's OK and not OK to do with EditStock footage?

EditStock's license rules are simple; you cannot request credit on the official film, including on IMDB, you cannot sell the film, and you cannot submit your cut to film to festivals, but you are more than welcome to post your work on your reel, on YouTube, or on a portfolio website. We are very proud of that.

Editor's can't start with a blank piece of paper

Intermixed with the overwhelmingly positive experiences of our users, we hear comments like this one often, "You're allowed to use this stuff in your edit showreel, so you can pretend you've worked on cool s[tuff] when you haven't." 

Editors are not painters. We can't start with a blank canvas. Using EditStock footage on your reel shows what you can do as an editor. Every thought that goes into making your cuts is a real display of your skill.

But I wasn't "Hired to cut" this. Are you sure it's ok?

At many points in an editor's careers having footage to demonstrate your skills is valuable, and is not necessarily something you were "hired to cut." Would we make the same comment about an assistant editor who cut scenes from a TV show they worked on? I hope not, because this scenario describes every assistant editor who has ever tried to move up, including myself. What about an experienced reality TV editor looking to switch to scripted editing? Shouldn't they have the opportunity quickly demonstrate their skill without needing to find a client and start all over? How about a scripted comedy editor looking to cut scripted drama? Should they need to start over as well? Comments like the one above discount any skill that the editor put into the scene they cut, as if all an editor needs to do is get on a cool project and then the actual cutting would be easy. That idea is bogus. 

New editors can spend years building a reel, when what they really need is just one opportunity to display their skill. EditStock gives them that opportunity. EditStock is solving the age old chicken and egg problem of needing a reel to get a job and needing a job to make a demo reel, and we're proud of that too.  


1 comment

  • Fritz Bitsoie

    This is such a great idea. Thank you so much for this service. I’ve been trying to find new opportunities to get better editing gigs in the sf bay area and this definitely feels like it will help!

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